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Fusion as a future energy source

Global demand for energy continues to grow year by year as the world population expands and society becomes more and more dependent on energy supplies. The need to find new sources of energy becomes increasingly important as environmental concerns mount over the emission of CO2 from burning fossil fuels.

There is mounting concern that the emission of CO2 from burning fossil fuels is producing climatic change

At a European level, future energy supply was discussed in an EU Green Paper published in 2000 – ‘Towards a European strategy for the security of energy supply’, and a published in 2005. Of particular concern is the dependency Europe has on importing its energy from outside the EU (50% today and predicted to be 70% in 2030). The long term role of fusion is recognised in this report – ‘Thermonuclear fusion also bodes well for the future and could take over the reins from some existing energy sources towards the middle of the century’.
At national, European and international levels, future energy supply is becoming one of the key issues. Fusion offers a valuable alternative in future energy mix scenarios.

Selesai ditulis di Surabaya pada 5 November 2011
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